In 2014, a devastating flood swept over the small town of Luverne, Minnesota, destroying public infrastructure, personal property, and some of the most fertile farmland in the country. The aftermath leaves farmers, Shawn Feikema and his brother, Mike, deciding whether to protect themselves against the effects of climate change by adopting more progressive farming practices, or to continue the traditions handed down by the generations of farmers before them. From The Heartland explores the symbiotic relationship between our rural communities and American Agriculture, and how its past continues to affect farm operations across the country to this day.

“It’s the same everywhere, every small town is fighting to survive”

- Bob Feikema, Feikema Farms.


Shawn is a 3rd generation farmer with his brother Mike and their families. While their crop is mostly corn and soy, Shawn has always been an advocate of land stewardship and has implemented cover crops and rotational small grains to improve soil health on the land they farm.

Shawn Feikema

Bob and his brother Chuck took over the farm from their father, Clarence in 1971. Bob still lives and works on the farm most days but has handed over the reigns to the next generation.

Bob Feikema

Jodi works for the University of Minnesota Extension as a water and soil educator. She travels across the Midwest analyzing farms and soil, giving farmers the tools they need to help improve the soil health and yields on their land.

Jodi DeJong-Hughes

While Shawn works in the fields, Mike takes care of the livestock on their farm. With around six thousand cattle coming through Feikema Farms each year, caring for them is Mike’s responsibility and passion.

Mike Feikema

Greg grew up in Rock County and now owns and operates Edgerton Ag, a Pioneer seed dealer out of Edgerton, MN.

Greg Talsma

Holly is the economic development director for the city of Luverne, MN. Having grown up on a dairy farm nearby, Holly is an advocate for rural America and the values that the community provides.

Holly Sammons

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